With great power…

Yesterday saw Year 5/6 celebrate their Superhero Day, marking the change in focus from Ancient Greece to more modern Superheroes (and Heroines!). The children (and adults) came dressed as their alter-egos; Tamzin came as “Arrow Girl”- her special power is being able to shrink people, she has this power because she eats mini Lego characters! We were also introduced to “Sand Storm” aka Kenzie, his special power is that he can whip up sandstorms to defeat his enemies- he is also dressed in camouflage beige so he can blend in with the sand.

There were many aliases in school yesterday: Cool Guy, Super-Cook, Anti-Vamp and K-Man. Even the adults came as their alter-egos: Sticker Girl, Dark-Art, Flower Power and The WordWizard! 

Also during the day the children took part in a Superhero Lego workshop. The children had the opportunity to build mini land scale models of themselves as superheroes or to create a new superhero. Everyone involved loved the sessions, we had some fantastic models built.

All in all a fab day had by all.

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