Outdoor Learning in Maths

Today Miss Kettle’s and Mrs Buettner’s maths groups took a trip down to Grafton Park to take part in a practical session about Roman Numerals. From pre-assessments we knew that most children had some prior knowledge of Roman Numerals but needed reminding on how to put them together. First of all we asked them to collect as many sticks and twigs as they could find.

Once they Had collected all their sticks we set them the challenge to, firstly, create the number 1-10 in Roman numerals. We had a few challenged with remembering how to make a 4 (IV) and 9 (IX). Nathan was excellent at explaining that to make nine we need “1 less than 10, so we write it IX”

After they had completed 1-10 we set them the challenge to make 11-20, we had great conversations again about how to make 19 (XIX), most children could articulate that it was 10 + 9.

Marta is our Roman Numerals queen and was challenged to make dates out of Roman numerals, can you work out what dates she has written? Remember X=10 C =100 M= 1000.  Add comments to our blog if you think you know what she has written.

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